刘欣娜表示,美联医邦是卡思克鲁力美国著名名医评鉴机构的独家中国代表,公司涵盖全美72个医学细分专业,拥有美国前5%的顶级名医资源,被誉为直达美国的全球健康直通车,此次合作,是美联医邦重要的发展里程碑, 将为更多的中国患者打开一道通往美国顶级医疗的快速通道,这也是创办美联医邦医生集团的初衷。
江颖表示,平安健康(检测)中心以满足民众健康需求为导向,依托国际领先的尖端设备、全国权威医学专家、覆盖全国的合作医疗机构、强大的 IT 系统及专业的运营管理能力,致力于成为中国第三方健康检测行业的领导者。双方的合作将为中国患者提供更加完整、权威、多样化的医疗服务,也将成为新医疗合作的典范。让国人不出国就能完成美国看病
随后,卡思克鲁力名医西奈山医院肺癌胸外科大主任Raja Flores教授为与会嘉宾分享题为“肺癌筛查真正的价值和影像大数据的证明”的学术讲座,Raja Flores教授一直专注于胸外科和肺癌综合诊治领域,是著名的胸腔镜辅助肺叶切除术VATS的奠基人,特为见证此次签约合作从美国远程赶来,并为中国医生们分享了精心准备的学术报告。
Dr. Raja Flores
专业: 胸部肿瘤外科(肺癌)
Raja Flores教授为与会嘉宾分享题为“肺癌筛查真正的价值和影像大数据的证明”的学术讲座
现场讨论环节,平安健康(检测)中心牛阿娜从中国国情出发,指出“肺癌作为中国癌症的第一杀手”,借助平安健康(检测)中心的高端影像设备,如何通过早期筛查的形式实现癌症防治与Raja Flores教授等肺癌领域专家进行交流。上海长征医院影像科肺病诊断专家刘凯主任、医学部专家臧天龙等分别从技术应用、案例交流、影像诊断等方向与中外专家进行了热烈讨论。
虽然上海与纽约相隔万里,相差12小时的时差,但现场以视频联线的方式,迅速、有效的实现参会嘉宾与来自纽约西奈山医院的影像学教授David F Yankelevitz和Claudia I Henschke博士的视频交流、答疑。
David F Yankelevitz博士是美国4项国家癌症研究所(NIC)项目的首席研究员;毕业于哈佛大学的Claudia I Henschke博士撰写了400多篇文献,两位专家均被美国著名医生评鉴机构卡思克鲁力评为美国顶级名医。此次连线交流,也正是未来合作的缩影,随着双方合作的深入,中美专家的交流大桥亦将越发壮大、坚固!
美联医邦(www.medebound.com)成立于2015年,总部在纽约,是一家致力于连接中国患者和医生与美国顶尖专家的远程医疗及第二诊疗意见机构。公司自主开发的专业中美多语言远程系统,确保了中国患者/医生和美国顶级医生之间进行影像数据传输、病历翻译、远程咨询的安全性和高效性。通过与Castle Connolly Top Doctors卡思克鲁力顶级医生的独家战略合作/股权投资关系,建立了权威可信,横跨72个专科的52,000多名美国医生的美国顶级医生资源。凭借高度差异化的医生资源,先进的双语IT平台以及在美国和中国的强有力运营团队,美联医邦在中国已经获得了可观的市场吸引力。
Medebound Signing Agreement with the PingAn Healthcare Diagnostic Center Affiliated to China's Biggest Insurer PingAn Group
Medebound and Ping An Healthcare Diagnostic Center held a cooperation signing ceremony at Shangri-La Hotel, Shanghai. The ceremony signifies the two sides will establish a comprehensive cooperation on building a docking channel for the top medical resources in China and the U.S.
Medebound LLC and Ping An Healthcare Diagnostic Center, affiliated to one of China's biggest insurers Ping An China, held a cooperation signing ceremony at Shangri-La Hotel, Shanghai. The ceremony signifies the two sides will establish a comprehensive cooperation on building a docking channel for the top medical resources in China and the U.S. on radiology, oncology, cardio-cerebral vascular diseases and altogether 72 medical specialties.
Ms. Ying Jiang, General Manager of Ping An Healthcare Diagnostic Center (hereinafter referred to as “the Center”) and Dr. Sheena Liu, Chairman of Medebound, signed the contract on behalf of both parties. Ms. Ana Niu, Director of the Center, Mr. Bo Zhang, Director of the Business Development Department, and Mr. Cen Su, Marketing Director of Medebound also witnessed the signature.
Ms Jiang said, Ping An Healthcare Diagnostic Center is oriented to meet people’s health needs, and is committed to becoming a leader in China’s third-party health diagnostic industry. This can be achieved by technologically advanced equipment, national authoritative medical experts, partnering medical institutions covering the whole country, strong IT systems and professional operation management capabilities. The collaboration between the Center and Medebound will provide even more comprehensive and diversified medical services for Chinese patients, and will also become a model for new healthcare collaboration initiatives.
“As the exclusive representative of Castle Connolly in China, Medebound covers 72 medical specialties and has the access to the top 5% medical resources in the United States”, said Dr. Sheena Liu. "The cooperation with Ping An sets an important milestone of Medebound's development in China and will also open a fast track to the top global medical expertise for more Chinese patients. This is also the primary mission of Medebound."
About Ping An Health (Diagnostic) Center
Ping An Healthcare Diagnostic Center is an important member of Ping An Healthcare blueprint, and is subsidiary to Ping An International Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. The Center is not only positioned itself as a third-party medical service provider, but also a participant and promoter of the development of China's healthcare industry. The Center plans to invest 30 billion RMB in five years to establish 1,000 diagnostic centers nationwide and to build a shared economy in the medical field, aiming to become a leader in the third-party diagnostic industry in China.
About Medebound LLC
Founded in 2015, Medebound (http://www.medebound.com/en) is a tele-health/second opinion company with the focus on connecting Chinese patients/physicians with US doctors. This is achieved by creating a proprietary bi-lingual HIPAA-compliant tele-health platform, which facilitates secure medical imaging/records translation, transferring and tele-consultations between Chinese patients/local physicians and leading American specialists; and by establishing an exclusive strategic/equity relationship with Castle Connolly Top Doctors®, an established, trusted and authoritative resource for identifying America’s leading physicians, with more than 52,000 U.S. physicians across 72 medical specialties. With this highly-differentiated physician resource and first-of-its-kind bilingual IT platform and a strong execution team operating both in the US and China, Medebound has gained significant market traction with customers including major hospital centers and insurers in China.